Chinese Coal Supply & Demand will be Kept General Gross Balanced Situation in 2008
National Development and Reform Commission recently have expressed, China will keep insisting the price marketed revolutionary direction, and the coal supply & demand will be kept general balanced situation in 2008.
Present China’s economy still keep high speed development situation, but once the extremely difficult problem of shortcoming of coal and electricity had been the passed history. The official data shows that, the China’s exporting volume of coal has been arisen recently; there is continuous 4 months of exporting exceed import, coming to the condition of net export
China is the largest coal production and consumption country in the world. About one year ago, the coal ordering meeting, which has the characteristic of planning economy, has been disappeared in history, and the replacement of it is the price-negotiation by supplier and demander independently.
National Development and Reform Commission has expressed: China will keep insisting the price marketed revolutionary direction, implement price-negotiation by supplier and demander independently, speed up the coal price formed mechanism of reflecting market demand & supply relationship, recourses lacking degree scarce degree, and the cost of environment damage.
In China, relieve the control of coal price and trade is the big trend. In spite of prediction of the coal supply & demand will be kept total general balanced situation nest year, some analyzer point out the contract price of coal will be increased 20 RMB per ton at least in 2008. After taking away the traditional coal ordering meeting, China’s contract price of coal had increased about 10% in the early of this year.
The demand and export of coal will possibly increase its price in China next year. As Chinese official said, because the lack of train transportation in a part districts of China, there possibly appear the contradiction of category, region and time.